• Shop 34 Eastlakes Mall, Evans Ave, Eastlakes NSW, 2018, (02) 9669 6608, optom@eastlakeseyecare.com.au

  • Myopia (also known as short sightedness) is a refractive condition where the eye does not bend light properly to focus on the back of the eye (retina). As a result, objects appear blurry. In myopia, close objects look clear but far objects appear blurred.

    People with myopia have a higher risk of retinal detachment and other eye problems. Continue reading for information on methods to control your myopia.

  • 1. Spending Time Outdoors

    As simple as it sounds, increasing time spent outdoors can prevent the onset and progression of myopia, especially in children. It is encouraged that we take 30-40 minute breaks every few hours of near tasks, such as working on iPads/phones, computers or reading.

    Recent research shows that time outdoors has a strong protective effect against myopia in children aged 6 years. It is believed that during early years of life, the growth and maturation processes of the eye are more sensitive to environmental influences. As a result, outdoor time can have a positive effect on eye development in children.


  • 2. Multifocal Contact Lenses

    Several studies have shown that soft multifocal contact lenses can slow the progression of myopia. Contact lenses offer the benefits of correcting any existing myopia, while also controlling the condition.

  • 3. Atropine Drops

    Atropine has several uses in eye care such as dilating the pupil and treating lazy eye.

    However, recent studies have found low doses of atropine drops to be effective in slowing the progression of myopia in children.


  • Regular eye exams are important in detecting progression of myopia.

    Children generally do not voice their vision problems. So if you suspect there may be a problem with your child's far vision, visit Eastlakes Eyecare for an eye exam. Early treatment is the most effective.

    For more information on myopia control, come in and speak to our Optometrist Nicole.